Never use a big word when a diminutive exression will suffice

Friday, July 04, 2003

fireworks are my favorite

sara has some aversion to having multiple favorites. when we were watching the fireworks tonight, i kept on saying each firework was my favorite. originally, it was because i liked each one more than the last, but then i just started saying it to piss off sara, it was really funny. and then they had the real slow american pride song and sara tried to hold my hand, but it freaked me out, it was so strange, she does that a lot, but most of the time its to stop me from annoying her. this time it only made matters worse though.

i wish the fly would get off my screen, but i know if i try to make it go away, it will goosh and be gross on my computer screen..patience is a virtue.

today i cleaned my neighbors house, it wasnt as bad as i thought. it posed interesting problems along the way that made it a lot less mind numbing than cleaning my finding plugs and figuring out that the lights have to be on to use the plug and finding baby toys all over. it was cute. and it pays well :D


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