sickness scare
so for the past 5 days or so ive had an awful sore throat and it was really horrible. so i went to the doctor and she said almost certainly that it was mono, i was real disappointed about this because mono takes such a long time to get better and i would have had it for the first part of summer break. that would have made it harder to find a job, hang out with all my friends, play lots of tennis with my dad, and just generally be awake. but i got the results back today and its not mono, so i am thrilled. i probably have whatever zach and joan had but worse. which is good, because they are both better now after only 2 weeks or so. weeeeeeeee
so in the meantime, finals are upon me, i need to get down to some serious reading and writing after i do my math homework today, i plan to do reading today and tomorrow and writing the days after that, i hope i can get it all in, im sure i will. the breaks i take will be sleeping and reading for math and chemistry because those finals are wednesday and friday of next week.
one thing that made me feel better this week was i got above average (although just barely, but still) on my last chemistry midterm. that means i get to drop the lower of the two previous scores and makes me much more optimistic about my chemistry grade this quarter. with some good studying i should do fine :)
i started packing last night and i cant determine how much stuff i have. for some reason its really difficult for me. we'll see how it goes. :)
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