Never use a big word when a diminutive exression will suffice

Sunday, November 07, 2004

weekend events

well, this weekend (post friday) was fun. saturday i didnt wake up until noon, and then poked around and cleaned and did some stuff. around dinner i got a call asking if i could babysit for a few hours and so i took the house baby to snail for dinner. i got home, had time to take a shower and took off to go contra dancing with michael, also leah, ian and joan came at some point. it was loads of fun, and also lots of sweating. it was like high school square dancing all over again but with 40 people who all wanted to be dancing instead of 100 people who had to be there for credit. there were a few really talented people there and they were lots of fun to watch. they were able to do this weird stomp thing where they barely pick their foot up off the ground but it makes a surprising sound when it hits again. maybe it was their shoes. but so i got back to find out that zach had gone over to a party, so michael and i went to go find him. with the experience of friday, i decided not to get drunk, which was a good idea because some of my friends needed help getting home. the rest of the night was downhill.

today i have homework and cherry orchard to look forward to. well, i actually do look forward to the cherry orchard at steppenwolf, not really the homework so much, but it needs to get done. perhaps ill seclude myself in the reg tonight. theres perhaps an hour and 15 minutes ride to (and from) steppenwolf which will be my substite contemplative walk to the point, since i dont think i have time this weekend.


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