Never use a big word when a diminutive exression will suffice

Sunday, November 07, 2004


Conversations i overheard/reasons why i left the reg
1) the girl next to me talking to her friend about how she was invited to a formal dance at the naval academy and was wondering what to wear, and how to get there, and talking about her date and all.
2) the girls in front of me who were talking about the crazy night they had last night at a party and barhopping because it was the 21st birthday of someone. they also talked about how one of them wasnt wearing a bra. they then moved on to talking about how cute the new fashions were in the magazines they had out (notice that they had magazines out at all, in a library). i also noticed that they had absolutely no text books, no notebooks, nothing. oh, but one of their friends with hair lighter than her skin did stop by to deliver coffee (skim latte, hope thats ok).

why am i surrounded by these people?


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