Never use a big word when a diminutive exression will suffice

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

taken from a long conversation

Do you think God plays favorites? No. Then why are we born priviledged in America instead of Darfur? Because we have some purpose that we dont understand yet.

That seems like such a vague (therefore not good) answer. What purpose? Why were we chosen for this purpose instead of another one? which leads back to the favorites question. It makes me wonder, am I working toward accomplishing my purpose? accomplishing anything? I feel that I am, I am getting my education, becoming an adult.

Is everyone always working toward some purpose? If they are, then what about the people who are doing "evil" things? Is that their purpose? Did God give it to them to do? Or is it that some people do not fulfill their purpose on earth and commit evil acts instead. If someone can avoid their purpose, can they avoid it by doing something good?

Is there only one life path that has been selected for me to follow? I think so. Can I make the wrong decisions and somehow not follow it? I have to say yes. Where does fate come into the play between a selected life path/purpose and free will?

Why are things the way they are? How can I come to know that reason?


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