Another day
This post is for Cat, cuz shes cool, and apparently I'm starting a trend of people saying "mention me in your blog" and I say ok, and then I write about them. So, Cat. Shes cool, she lives down the hall, once Jonathan fell on her head in naught but his skivvies. She hangs out in 113 a lot, as do I, and I can totally beat her at super mario kart. She is able to amazingly pull off wearing almost entirely black without looking goth or drama. And finally, we talk about girly things while boys play pool.
I had my bio midterm this morning. It was good. It was challenging, not necessarily difficult or mean or at all off-base, but a good, challenging test that made me think and had lots of good parts. It was almost entirely "answer in 40 words or less" questions with a few T/F, explain the F in once sentance. I like that style because its basically essay based so it gives you some leeway but it also makes you be concise and direct since you only get 40 words. :)
Today I have some stat to do, babysitting 2-5, and hopefully have time to go over to osco. sounds like a plan!
I feel so loved! Thank you.
This is now a comment for Bethany, because she's totally cool and really can beat me at Super Mario Kart. Like whoa. Bethany is also cool because she has Strong Bad on her computer and she was the one who showed me Tanuk Tanuk Tan. And... she has cartoons from the New Yorker on her walls. Rock on.
8:46 PM
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