good evening, weird night
Yesterday was a good day, despite warnings that the 24th of January is the worst day of the year. I had ochem lab where I didn’t get my derivates to precipitate, but the lab director said we can have some more time with some of the tests and go over them, because a lot of people are having problems with their unknowns. I worked on my bio homework which was easy and fun to do. Then I worked on my ochem problem set for a while. At one point I took a break and realized when I shut the book with the assignment in it that the paper sticking out read "Due Thursday" so I was done with that for the night. I proceeded to 113 to have some fun with the guys there including interesting discussion.
The other day Jonathan told me about the trial he was a jury member for and that was very interesting, I don’t know if I would ever be ok wishing the death penalty on someone. I think there are other methods that are more effective for punishing people. And I also don’t know if I agree with the idea that after committing a crime, a person should be punished, why don’t we actually try to rehabilitate them? Why don’t we treat them with kindness and show them that they don’t need to act that way? I know it sounds very idealistic, but there are some underlying problems with our justice system that obviously isn’t working. Perhaps I'm just being naive and thinking people are innately good.
After that, I went to bed early and had some pretty weird dreams toward morning. I dreamt that, over a week or so, I kept having dreams where I would die, and not just old age or the like, but I was actively murdered and there was some psychologist who was by my bed (in my dream) who would shake me and I would tell him how I had died (in the dream in my dream). I remember one time an elephant firing squad shot me, another time I was pushed off a cliff by Nazis, a third time I was electrocuted somehow, and I’m not really clear on the rest of them. Anyway, it was pretty weird. So while I’ve never had a dream where I’ve died, I’ve now had a dream where I dreamt that I died. I attribute it to reading CNN before bed and how people are being attacked by sharks and being bombed and dying from bird flu and all that awful stuff.
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