Never use a big word when a diminutive exression will suffice

Friday, February 04, 2005

On Sleeping

Well, I've been getting a bit less sleep then a I normally do, but I've found I very consistently wake up between 7 and 8 anyway. Today I woke up naturally perhaps 2 minutes before 7, and while I think thats kind of early to be my I'm-wake-by-then-anyway time, I like having it. Now I'm going to do some homework, perhaps some bio and some stat, and then chill out and have a good friday.

This is suicide prevention weekend, so we get monday off, and Michael so rightly exclaimed last night that they placed this exactly where it is needed. A bunch of people from my house are going skiing monday, I think I'm going to get lost downtown, maybe find a cute coffee shop and hunker down with a book (maybe ochem, maybe not). I'm also doing my 6 hours of babysitting for the resident heads that I auctioned off last week. The baby is so cute... aww... ok, shower time! and as always, kids, remember: stop, dont touch, leave the area, tell an adult. And have a great day!


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