Never use a big word when a diminutive exression will suffice

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Dark, Wet, and Fabulous

On Darkness
Monday night was one of the darkest nights I can remember. I was driving along, thinking about how dark it was around 10 pm, heading towards the tea house. I kept thinking that I was making up the extent of the darkness and I was honestly trying to think why I should percieve everything to be darker than it is. I guess I feel somewhat lost and like I can't find my way when it comes to the future, but nothing that should make the night seem so black. I couldn't think of any reason for such an intense blindfold to be so suddenly established. Then I realized the streetlights were out.

On Wetness
Today after work I went to play a pick-up ultimate frisbee game with Sara and a bunch of other people. Last summer I really didn't enjoy playing frisbee, but something switched this year and both times I've played have been splendiferous. We started at West Middle School around 7 (after climbing over or under the fence with my fellow 15 players). It was as humid as it gets, we were all swimming in our clothes and then, oh heaven of heaven, it started raining. We played in the rain for a long time, until lightning struck and those with better sense than I called the game off. I then walked home in the rain because there were only so many spots in the cars and I live only a few blocks away. It was so much fun. I love it. It totally made my week. Now I'm chilling in my den with emily watching Coupling.

On Work
I started real work on monday. The little kids (1st and 2nd graders) are infinitely better than the high schoolers I had last year. It's turning out to be a pretty sweet job.

On the 4th
I wished I could have enjoyed the fireworks without thinking of how stupid our nation is and how much I no longer wish to be a part of it. Unfortunately, I was not able to distinguish between them in my mind, so I spent most of the fireworks trying hard to remember the awful things the little boy next to me was saying. For example, when the song from How the West Was Won, the boy (keep in mind, he's 6 or so) exclaimed "I'll tell you how the west was won, you get a rifle, a muskett, and a pistol." at which point I began my lament for the youth of our world.

On the Rest
It's turning out to be a thoroughly excellent summer. I'm catching up with friends, cooking, doing all the wonderful things I had missed about being at home. Anyway, this post has taken me about an hour to write and Sara and Dominic have also arrived. Wee!


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