our eventful trip: this is gonna be long
so heres how it happened:
4:10, nick and i leave binghamton for sara's, its cool, we know the way to ithaca to get ernest, its gonna be lots of fun.
5:30, we're in ernests dorm room, his mom and sister are there along with jonathon, nicola, and some other cool people. ernest sends him mom home, which he is sad about because she wanted to go out to dinner or something, but we wanted to go out to dinner at cornell. we get stuff together, nicola heads over to his dorm to get something, and ernest goes to check call backs for ithacapella. it turns out, he made it, and as great as that is, it means he has to stay home, the call backs were from 7-9, the whole time.
6:00, me, nick, jonathan, and nicola leave for cornell, its pretty easy because there are lots of signs and we get there easily.
6:30, we're lost on the cornell campus and we ask a jogger for directions. its cool because he was from johnson city and he gave us good directions. we had to double back and when we were going the right direction, we saw him running again and he shouted "your good so far" and we honked, it was neat.
7:00 or so, me, sara, lily, melissa (saras roomie), nicola, nick, jonathon, and firdev (sara's neighbor) went out for chinese food in college town. it was good and while we were there, katy called and we made plans to meet up with her later. that was lots of fun.
9 or so?, we headed back to saras dorm. some people went to listen to some of an outdoor concert, but me, sara, jonathon, and nick stopped and listened to an arch sing where 10 guys or so who were all amazingly gorgious and had wonderful voices sang some awesome songs. sara says they didnt do their best piece, but it was still dreamy. and one guy sang the lead in "lets get it on" and had a great whiny voice for it, and he took off his shirt. he must have been cold, it was freezing that night. then we hung out in saras room for a bit.
10?, we go to rpcc which is the place where you can get expensive fast food, there are lots of tvs, lots of chairs and booths, pool tables, a dining hall upstairs, a place to meet people and hang out when there is nothing better to do. we signed up for a pool table but we were on the waiting list so we watched some tennis and met some people and gave massages. katy showed up with taneeka in tow, and some of us realized that we had not missed taneeka at all. i was one of them. we got introduced to everyone in the room watching tv, even the randoms who were not with us and didnt come with katy. also, ernest called at this point saying that he got into ithacapella, which was totally awesome and that it was probably too late to go get him.
10:30, we play pool for about an hour, it was cool, jonathan was good for how little he played and nicola was real good, but i was able to hold my own against him, we got it down to whoever hit the 8 ball in first. i was very proud of myself.
11:30 or so, we decide to go over to ithaca and hang out in ernest and jons room because then we could see ernest and we have to take jon and nicola home anyway.
12:00, i blow a tire. i dont know how it happened, i think i hit the curb, but maybe it was a nail, i dont know. the spare tire is rusted into the trunk of the car and we cant get it out. after much toiling and exploring, we find the jack and some tools. we use some soda as lubricant and sara pounds on the screw that is holding the spare tire in place and we are finally able to get the tire out of the car. now we jack up the car, which was a lot of effort on nicola and jonathans part, and we start unscrewing the blown tire. we get the bolts off and some half drunk cornell kids walk by and ask "are you having car trouble?". i was amazed at this. our previous attempts to get help included 1) standing in the road and waving to people, this resulted in people waving back and driving by. 2) going to find a cop, which resulted in him offering to call a tow service, but sorry, thats all he was authorized to do. he gives us some good advice: when tightening the bolts back onto the new tire, always tighten in a star pattern, not in a circle, because a circle will cause the alignments to get off kilter and the wheel will later fall off. so these kids are some help in that aspect. we get the tire on and lower the car, the only problems now are we are still lost, trying to find our way to ithaca college and the tire is a bit low.
1:00, we head off again, i drive about 25-30 mph tops. but we are still lost. we get onto a road that looks right until it starts taking us back to binghamton. we call up ernest to get him to find directions online but it fails miserably due to lack in communication. the phone starts breaking up and we are on our own. we eventually find a 24 hour food place and jonathan and nicola go in to get directions. we get good directions and we also stop at a gas station and put some more air in the tire. that was really hard because the machine wouldnt go and we had no light to see if there was a pressure gauge or anything. sara eventually got fed up and hit the machine, and it starts working. we put a conservative amount of air in the tire, not wanting it to blow up.
1:45 we get to ernests room and are hanging out there. i was pretty freaked out still and stressed out, but i got a massage and it made me feel better. there were a lot of jamacain people in the room, and i found it a bit awkward, but it was nice.
2:30 nick, sara, and i take nicola home (on the other side of campus) and we head back to saras.
3:00, we get into sara's room, sara and nick take showers (the changing of the tire was a dirty process and i didnt do much, i was pretty useless) and we go hang out in the common room talking and eating fruit loops and popcorn. it was nice.
4:00 we went to bed in sara's room.
9:40 we wake up 10 minutes late to meet lily, katy, etc for breakfast. we try to call around, but it turns out the dining hall doesnt open til 10 anyway.
10:10 or so, we get breakfast and since its $10 for non students, nick and i ate so much. it was lots of fun. it was me, nick, sara and melissa, and after we finished eating, we had some fun checking out the people and how she can say things in a mean tone but you should know shes really not trying to be mean. we also talked about how they should go out and meet guys together because they both need to do that. she was pretty cool, but a bit reserved and safe. she went to bed real early, which, in my opinion, is not the thing to do on a weekend when a bunch of people are there.
11:15 lily and her roommate show up for breakfast and eat with us, it was nice.
12:15, we head back to the dorm to get our stuff and meet katy there.
12:45 nick and i head back to binghamton, we took a roundabout way because i wasnt sure on highways initially and we didnt really know where we were going, but it worked out anyway. we got home safe, and it only took 20 min longer than it would have otherwise.
2:10 we get home safe and sound.
so thats how it went. we saw some really hot guys, asked for a lot of directions, and had a lot of fun. we are all pretty tired and we all have the knowledge of how to change a tire under our belts now! so i guess it all turned out ok, and even better than ok, great and a good learning trip. it was good practice for driving to nj in a couple days and it was great to see old friends and make some new ones.
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