Never use a big word when a diminutive exression will suffice

Thursday, May 31, 2007

beginning, middle, end

so, i had my last day of class in college today/yesterday (i have been awake since yesterday even though it is now almost 3:30am). I have been not sleeping for the past few days because of intense and i mean intense working. i have been writing and grading and studying like there is no tomorrow, and in a big way i feel that there kind of is no tomorrow. i can't fathom a world where i dont live with my parents or on campus. i can't think about what it must be like to go to work every day, come home, make dinner, and be a real, live, grown adult person capable of real life activites that come with being done with school (at least for now). i feel like someone is taking off the training wheels, and im pretty sure it wont make much of a difference, but ive fallen before, even with the training wheels on, and now there wont even be someone holding onto the back of the bike with me. its exciting, and lonely, and scary, and amazing. anyway, im working on my last paper, writing about snakes. i recently pumped out a paper on tigers and another on primates, and its very cool that all my papers this quarter have been animal based, it makes them more fun. ive got to turn in this paper by tomorrow morning and then go to a final for which i still have studying to do. wow.. i dont think im going to sleep at all between now and the end of the test. ok.. time to go finish up college!


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