Never use a big word when a diminutive exression will suffice

Monday, November 15, 2004

now entering the wee hours

Well, it looks like I will be up for a while longer. Stupid ochem lab, but something in me tells me its worth it somehow. And as a bonus, this is the last lab of the quarter, and theres not even a write-up for it. Cool beans.

I have recently switched from writing in all lowercase letters to actually capitalizing the first letter of a sentence and the word I and things like that. I dont know what spurred this change, but at least I am consistent in not using punctuation. I have a feeling that might change sometime soon as well. Well, for as mundane as that sounds, I guess it just goes to show what weird stuff I think about.

In other news, Ive decided I love the smell of freshly printed paper. Perhaps I associate it with finished work, or maybe its just because its all nice and warm and smells like...home, and high school homework, fond memories nonetheless.


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