Never use a big word when a diminutive exression will suffice

Saturday, November 13, 2004

reminded of a dream

So last night/this morning I had a crazy dream that I was home again. My parents were throwing one of their awesome parties and I was helping mom get something from the kitchen. Also, besides the fact that I knew it was my house, it looked nothing like my house. But so I went into the kitchen and discovered that something has spilled and there was a huge puddle taking up most of the kitchen with small pink salmon swimming in it (we are talking a big puddle). I guess my mom had made salmon for the party and these were the left overs (still alive). My parents told me to just throw them out, but I didnt want them to die, so I concocted a plan to take a huge blue tub from the basement, the one we use to transport grapes from the vinyard, and drive it down to the river behind the hospital, about 6 blocks away. I then filled the tub with riverwater, knowing full well that its full of awful bacteria and its nearing the middle of the night. but so I get the riverwater and bring it back to the kitchen and put the baby salmon in the tub, rescuing a particularly big and fiesty one from under the fridge, and then went to bed, planning on dumping the salmon in the river tomorrow morning. I dont know what that means.. its just weird I think.


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