Never use a big word when a diminutive exression will suffice

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Feeling Most Excellent

Well, I just got done at the gym about 1/2 hour ago, which always leaves me feeling great. I love the runner's high/endorphine rush that accompanies the gym. And, to my great delight, when I went outside to walk back to the dorm, it was raining. Its that really cold, light rain where you can see your breath and feel the raindrops through your clothes (which is saying something as I was wearing my heaviest sweatshirt). Anyway, i had so much fun that I decided to stand in the courtyard for a while longer when I got back and just feel the raindrops on my face (as cheesy as that sounds, it feels really good). It sad that some people dont appreciate the great weather (cough*michael*cough* *cough). anyway, I guess its time for me to go take a shower and get ready for dinner and homework etc.


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