Never use a big word when a diminutive exression will suffice

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Now Entering Doom

Well, tomorrow is the second of the ochem midterms. So I am planning on spending the rest of the day on that. And then tomorrow I have to do my stat problem set, and write a short essay for drama which I got an extension on from due thursday to due friday. Then, friday night, there is gonna be fun times with Andrew, I really hope we end up having an all-night picnic someplace to watch the meteor shower, that sounds like so much fun. Andrew introduced me to pomogranate seeds yesterday, it was weird, and good. On an unpleasant note, yesterday joan and I discovered something weird and gross on our bathroom door, which sent me into a cleaning frenzy of sorts.. I really hope its all gone by now. Well, off to start my studying kick. Hope everyone out there is having a good day.


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