Never use a big word when a diminutive exression will suffice

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

totally awesome

the past few days have been great. classes look wonderful and fascinating which has been making me very happy for the past few days. today in particular was really awesome.

i woke up naturally at 8:30, which is great, cuz my alarm goes off at 8:45 and its great to wake up naturally. then i made oatmeal for breakfast and did some work and stuff around my room for the morning. i went out on the quad to do some reading around 10:30 which was great because it was probably 65 degrees and utterly fabulous, it was all sunny and gorgeous. then lunch with friends and 15 more minutes of sunning. then i had class, which was very interesting, followed by more reading on the quad. after dinner there was a thunderstorm and it was amazing. i decided that i wanted a pass to doc for the quarter so i braved the rain and hail and had a very amusing walk jumping in puddles and just having fun in the rain, got a pass, and walked back much the same way. now i plan on doing some bio, and reading hamlet with some friends who, serendipitously, decided to read it tonight for fun. so, i had a great day. hope you did too!

Monday, March 07, 2005

On ants



It seems that ants are not just dumb miracles of evolution - they can learn from experience.

When you destroy their nest and make them migrate to a new one, they manage it very efficiently, as you would expect.

If you repeat the exercise next day, they achieve the same thing - but this time they do it even faster. Now that's scary.

Friday, March 04, 2005

On a few random things

I was just reading livejournal where there is something going around to grab the nearest book and post the 5th sentance on the 23rd page. The first book I grabbed, The Red Queen, sex and the evolution of human nature, had only a chapter title on page 23. The next closest book, Converstaions with God, produced the sentance "Nothing.". I'm going to take that as a sign for me to stop reading lj and get on with my life for now.

In other news, if my memory serves, it was right around this time 2 years ago that I had my surgery, discovered the cancer cells, and had them removed. I've started wearing my purple ribbon again, along with new additions of yellow for Lance Armstrong and red for giving blood (which I didn't because I'm not allowed, but Nick did, and for some reason he gave me the bracelet, and I wear it now).

In yet other news, the new CVS on 53rd and Kimbark opened, which is so much closer than osco or walgreens. It makes me happy. I'm going to ask for new perscriptions over break so I can start going to CVS. I will probably need to get new ones over the summer for whatever drug store is closest to wherever I'm going to live next year, I'm thinking shoreland, so that would be walgreens. But I guess I'll deal with that later.

Well, I'm off to the drug store and then the library. I guess shortly after dinner I'm getting together with friends to hang out a bit before we head out for a house trip to karaoke in china town, which sounds like lots of fun.

Hope you all have a good day!