Summer has sprung
Well, I'm feeling sufficiently unpatriotic today. There aren't even fireworks because of the flooding.
Speaking of which, there has been a huge flood in Binghamton; if anyone watches the weather channel, they may have seen a house floating down one of our rivers. A lot of people are suffering from this, some places are still flooded even. Our house is fine, but Dad may have lost his motorcycle, which he had dropped off to be serviced at a place right on the river, but he hasn't heard if they evacuated any of the bikes yet. My dad and I happened to be driving up to Elmira (a little more than an hour away) on Wednesday morning and got there just fine, dropped mom off at the hospital for her surgery and by 4 pm we were not allowed into Tioga or Broome counties. We got stopped on the road and there was a line of cops who were asking each car their destination and the cop just said there is no way we could get into Binghamton. So, we turned around and went to PA to spend the night with some friends there.
We ended up staying two nights at the friends house and it was so much fun. They live on a very large tract of land and so we went 4-wheeling and they had a new puppy that we played with and we sat by the pond and grilled and I finished my book and poked around on the internet a lot. Mom was and still is recovering well from her surgery. The issues included dad having trouble with his parishoners getting a hold of him and his cell phone had broken that morning losing all his numbers and mine didn't get reception in that area of PA. So he was kind of out of luck. Add to that he had just announced his resignation, so a lot of people were wanting to talk to him, and there was a natural disaster which affected several people and he was not in contact with anyone.
The flood affected me in that my really good friend jake was not able to come up because he would have had to take a bus and several of the roads were closed. This made me really sad, but now instead I may go down to visit him, because he lives at the beach. I need to figure out what I'm doing on the job front before I can figure out when I can do that though. I would go this weekend but I told my dad that if I could, I would go back down to the friends in PA to attend their Moonfest for a couple of days starting Thursday. That should be a lot of fun, its like woodstock, but less live music.
As far as jobs go, I'm looking at maybe getting two part-time jobs and having a very full summer, which would be good, as there is not really that much to do around here. It also would be nice to make some money.
Other than that, summer seems to be going just fine. I hope everyone out there in internet land also is having a good start to their summer.