songs pandora has introduced me to and i like
scary kids scaring kids - empty glasses
kean - crystal ball
the red hot valentines - firecracker
Never use a big word when a diminutive exression will suffice
scary kids scaring kids - empty glasses
I act differently around different people. I don't act the same around my flatmates as my brother as my best friend as my teachers etc. To some extent, this is very necessary. I could not get away with being my complete, crude, sarcastic, and rude self around my boss, and likewise, i can leave some of my niceties, sweetness, and hesitation when its just me and sara.
well, its 8th week, i think at least. i'm pretty sure it is. i need to sign up for classes, my students papers are due at noon today, i definitely need to start working on my final papers and those things. grading is going to be tough, ive never had to do it before, but i've had a bit of practice now and i think i will do ok. time to break out the red pen i guess.
today i went to the produce store and got food to make dinner. i made zucchini with parmesan, apple with peanut butter, and also fresh lemonade. then pomogranates and ice cream. i also now have corn, tomatoes, mushrooms, green beans, yogurt, tortillas, apples, and pears in addition to left overs from dinner. oh and cupcakes from the other night. its awesome. it makes me really happy.
things lately have been good. certain things have resolved themselves with a bit (although much more than i would have liked) of time, and so i am a lot less stressed. in that same vein, im done with midterms and now focusing on preparing myself for finals. i'm trying to get a good start, its only been a half-hearted attempt so far, but i figure a half-hearted and early start is better than nothing.
I've been a bad person/student/friend/daughter/teacher/girlfriend recently. I need to change. I have decided to change.