Never use a big word when a diminutive exression will suffice

Wednesday, July 30, 2003


I have determined that pool is one of the greatest past times ever. I look forward to pool night every week and when i get there it is just such bliss. i have gotten good at doing some shots, not bank shots or being able to set up the next shot, but its definatly a first step. I can break without missing the cue ball or the triangle of balls the first 3 times and i can actually make the balls go pretty far from where they started, even get one in every now and again. anyway, i have enjoyed pool so much and i hope to continue in college. Aaron warned me against playing people for money in chicago because people pretend to be bad to win your confidence and then get good and take all your money, but my dad says just play them twice or so and then they will be getting ready to bet the big bucks and you will be heading out with my small earnings, but at least i won't have lost money. i dont think im good enough for any kind of betting yet, but maybe by the end of summer.

also, i would like to say that nathan is a really big poop and when he says he wants to go camping, he should be able to say he's coming, not put off deciding until it is really late in the game and then all the plans have to be changed because he's a poop.

Sunday, July 27, 2003


who gets sick in july? apparently me.

however, there is camping this friday to look forward to. ;)

Thursday, July 24, 2003

My new computer!

well, i am writing this first blog from my new computer. it is so sweet and i love it. i named it josephine, my favorite name for a girl. my dad says now i cant name my hypothetical child josephine because that would mean naming her after a computer. i disagree. anyway, this totally rad new computer is kick-ass. its a dell laptop that my brother helped me pick out, because i know next to nothing about computers compared to him. emily got a laptop too, in fact, lots of people seem to be favoring the laptops over the desktops. i like it so i can move it off my desk and have the entire desk to do work that doesnt involve a computer as opposed to having the moniter, keyboard, and mouse taking up all the space. i also like that i can take it to the library and work on it without having to fuss with switching from my computer to one in the lab. anyway, i like it.

tonight im heading off to roberts for the chic flick night of roberts thursday night movie nights. it should be lots of fun.

Thursday, July 17, 2003


sn's are so easy to get on to if you know the person's password. for example, i think someone is logging on to emily's sn and i am guessing its nathan or allen. but idk, so i cant really do anything, and emily is on vacation so she cant do anything, and the person won't talk to me so i dont know who it is. it is kinda freaky. i wish they would just go away. what do they get from being on emily's sn if they dont talk to people?

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

"its got its friggen, freaken freakers on!"

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

pretty cool

well i finally got my grades! i am psyched! so, since this is my blog and i can do whatever i want, here are my grades:

4 philosophy (i knew that from last year)
4 history (woohoo, i was aiming for a 3)
5 french (excellent, 1 higher than i was expecting)
5 biology (kind of a disappointment, but i guess it was hard, and hl, whatever)
6 english (definatly cool, higher than i expected)
7 math (what i always dreamed i would get!!)
+2 for extended essay and my theory of knowledge paper

= one big fat ib diploma! im so happy

also very cool: hanging out with the randoms at cyber cafe. they are really cool, most of them. there was one 15 year old who was on x and he was messed up, he was dancing all over the place and i think i saw about 3 overt drug deals. i also had my "core centered" by a professional massage therapist, it was kinda cool, and kinda hoaxy. whatever, they are cool people to hang out with, especially jerrad and john. definatly cool kids.

1 hen
2 ducks
3 squaking geese
4 lymric oysters
5 corpulated porpyses
6 pairs of don alfonzo's tweezers
7 thousand macedonians in full battle array
8 brass monkeys from the ancient sacred crypts in egypt
9 empathetic sympathetic diabetic old men on rollerskates each with a marked propensity for procrastination and sloth
10 lyrical, spherical, diabolical dennisons of the deep who all haul stall around the corner of the cove and the quay and the quivy all at the same time

Sunday, July 06, 2003

iB results

why am i the only one who cant get my ib grades? it is so frustrating! and also, since its sunday, i have to wait until tomorrow to go in to ask mrs tucker if she can look them up for me. i am going to explode! what an ironic twist that i am the only person ive talked to who wants to get the grades back and i am the only person who cant?

update: now i have to wait until mrs gazda grace gets back on tuesday to get my scores because both the number on the paper and the number that mrs tucker gave me both dont work!!

"we could start our own nudist colony" -nick and nathan

Saturday, July 05, 2003

IB results

im freaking out you guys, i wanna know these test results so badly! i think i did well, but i am starting to second guess myself. not to the extent where i doubt i got the diploma (although that would suck ass!) but maybe i did ok instead of great or something like that...its so far away!

Friday, July 04, 2003

"real men ink pink drinks" -ted

fireworks are my favorite

sara has some aversion to having multiple favorites. when we were watching the fireworks tonight, i kept on saying each firework was my favorite. originally, it was because i liked each one more than the last, but then i just started saying it to piss off sara, it was really funny. and then they had the real slow american pride song and sara tried to hold my hand, but it freaked me out, it was so strange, she does that a lot, but most of the time its to stop me from annoying her. this time it only made matters worse though.

i wish the fly would get off my screen, but i know if i try to make it go away, it will goosh and be gross on my computer screen..patience is a virtue.

today i cleaned my neighbors house, it wasnt as bad as i thought. it posed interesting problems along the way that made it a lot less mind numbing than cleaning my finding plugs and figuring out that the lights have to be on to use the plug and finding baby toys all over. it was cute. and it pays well :D

herb and tim

i just wanted to document this. herb and tim were the guys who helped us play pool in cape cod and they were so funny and they wanted the three of us to go back to their place and smoke weed and sara didnt know they wanted to make-out. why else would we be there? they also were funny because we told them about the canoe licker and they thought it was hilarious. i liked herb because he was more forthright, but sara and becky liked tim because he was supposedly cuter. i kinda wanted to go party whatever, but i didnt know it was at his house, and im glad we didnt go because it was at his house..

they were so funny. they remind me of the random drunk canadians, and they were cool too...<