Never use a big word when a diminutive exression will suffice

Friday, June 11, 2004


3 hours before im done with school (EEEE lobster scream!). but before then i have to get through this 2 hour clac final...

Tuesday, June 08, 2004


so ive got my chem test tomorrow, im waiting for my chem-study-buddy to finish packing her books and then we are heading over to the library. it should be a good day of studying. then i need to focus on calc for my calc final friday. i finished my sosc paper monday morning and handed it in (3 hours early and even got a full nights sleep) so that was a success i think. i can't do anything about it now, which is a huge relief, because i have enough to worry about. ive been sick for a few weeks now, and its really starting to wear on me, i can't sleep as well as i normally do and now is not a good time to be wasting time trying to get to sleep at night. also one eye has gone all red and funny, i hope it not pink-eye, because that would just make me the most unlucky person ever. im hoping i just stratched it or something and it goes away soon.

M.D. = Me Doctor! (i thought that was pretty funny)

Monday, June 07, 2004

paper due

ive got a paper due in under 4 hours, and it will be my last social science paper probably ever. thats really cool. im just gonna read over it one more time before i go hand it in, i hope i do well. its on Goffman, Vygotsky, and Fanon and comparing how they think language forms and influences the self. i have come to the conclusion that none of them think that the self would exist without language but each have a different use for language (cognitive aid, presentation of face etc.) and each talk about different aspects of social communication using language. sound good to you?

Thursday, June 03, 2004

sickness scare

so for the past 5 days or so ive had an awful sore throat and it was really horrible. so i went to the doctor and she said almost certainly that it was mono, i was real disappointed about this because mono takes such a long time to get better and i would have had it for the first part of summer break. that would have made it harder to find a job, hang out with all my friends, play lots of tennis with my dad, and just generally be awake. but i got the results back today and its not mono, so i am thrilled. i probably have whatever zach and joan had but worse. which is good, because they are both better now after only 2 weeks or so. weeeeeeeee

so in the meantime, finals are upon me, i need to get down to some serious reading and writing after i do my math homework today, i plan to do reading today and tomorrow and writing the days after that, i hope i can get it all in, im sure i will. the breaks i take will be sleeping and reading for math and chemistry because those finals are wednesday and friday of next week.

one thing that made me feel better this week was i got above average (although just barely, but still) on my last chemistry midterm. that means i get to drop the lower of the two previous scores and makes me much more optimistic about my chemistry grade this quarter. with some good studying i should do fine :)

i started packing last night and i cant determine how much stuff i have. for some reason its really difficult for me. we'll see how it goes. :)